mercredi 15 mars 2017

Disney goes VR

Yes it is !
While I was browsing the Oculus Store on my Samsung Galaxy to find an exemple of how the Hollywood business could use VR to boost movies technology, I found the brand new "Disney VR" application :

This 3 words could sound nothing to some, but a lot for me.
This meant that Disney, (one of) the biggest actor in the "world movies economy" jumped on the wave just like Mark ZUCKERBERG did some times ago, followed by Samsung, Sony and many, many more (but not Apple who is probably currently constructing his own standards and apple-shaped-VR helmets...:-( ).
This meant that they are aware of the incredible potential this technology holds, making them able to earn even more money ! (This is the "good" side of the "force" ;-)

And they made a big hit !
I never saw such a smooth, beautifully designed, sexy app on the Oculus Store...
Fireworks everywhere, moving big spaceships, great VR (and 3D !) shorts (even Star Wars in VR+3D !) available by streaming or download... :

Disney Movies VR on the Gear VR

So I used it (amongst many other examples) to explain to the journalist of RTL2 that came to the disco'VR (découVRir) exposition, part of the "Histoires de sport" exposition in the library I work in, how the VR is about to change the way we work, the way we travel, the way we educate, the way we entertain...

Here's the video of the presentation, and one question :
Guess what the girl on the left is looking at with Disney Movies VR launched on the Gear VR  ? ;-) (Tip : answer on previous video ;-)

Presentation of the disco'VR exhibition

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